

2017-06-13 18:53

Personal Information

Jian ZHANG (张健), Ph.D., Asscioate Professor

Email: jianzhang@xynu.edu.cn

Address: No. 237, Nanhu Road, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, Henan Province, P.R. China

Zip Code: 464000

BiocomputingLaboratory: http://www.inforstation.com/biocomlab/

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=c_hxMsoAAAAJ

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7155-7760


2017.07-present, Xinyang Normal University, Assistant Professor


2013.09-2017.06 Northeast Normal University, Ph.D

2015.11-2016.11 Virginia Commonwealth University, Joint Ph.D

2010.09-2013.06 Northeast Normal University, Master

2006.09-2010.06 PLA. Information Engineering University, Bachelor

Academic activities

Guest Editor for: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (IF 2019 = 3.218), Advances in Mechanical Engineering (IF 2019 = 1.161), IEEE Access (IF 2019 = 3.745);


  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant ID: 61802329, Project Leader

  2. Project of Science and Technology Department of Henan Province, Grant ID: 192102310478, Project Leader


  1. Jian Zhang, and Lukasz Kurgan*. 2020. Prediction of protein-binding residues: dichoto-my of sequence-based methods developed using structured complexes vs. disordered proteins, Bioinformatics, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa573.  

  2. Fuhao Zhang, Wenbo Shi, Jian Zhang, Min Zeng, Min Li and Lukasz Kurgan*. 2020. PROBselect: accurate prediction of protein-binding residues from proteins sequences via dynamic predictor selection, ECCB2020, Accepted.

  3. Jian Zhang*, Yu Zhang, Yanling Li, Song Guo, Guifu Yang. 2020. Identification of Cancer Biomarkers in Human Body Fluids by Using Enhanced Physicochemical-incorporated Evolutionary Conservation Scheme, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 20(21), 1888-1897.

  4. Jian Zhang*, and Haiting Chai. 2020. Recent Advances in Drug Discovery and Cancer Diagnoses, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 20(21), 1855-1857.

  5. Jian Zhang, and Lukasz Kurgan*. 2019. SCRIBER: accurate and partner type-specific prediction of protein-binding residues from proteins sequences, Bioinformatics 35(14): i343-i353.

  6. Jian Zhang*, and Haiting Chai. 2019. Recent In Silico Research in High-Throughput Drug Discovery and Molecular Biochemistry, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 19(2), 103-104.

  7. Jian Zhang*, Yu Zhang, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2019. In silico Prediction of Human Secretory Proteins in Plasma Based on Discrete Firefly Optimization and Application to Cancer Biomarkers Identification, Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 542.

  8. Jian Zhang, Zhiqiang Ma, and Lukasz Kurgan. 2019. Comprehensive Review and Empirical Analysis of Hallmarks of DNA, RNA, and Protein Binding Residues in Protein Chains, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 20(4): 1250-1268.

  9. Shomeek Chowdhury#, Jian Zhang#, and Lukasz Kurgan. 2018. In-silico Prediction and Validation of Novel RNA Binding Proteins and Residues in the Human Proteome, Protemics, 18(21-22), p.1800064.

  10. Jian Zhang, and Lukasz Kurgan. 2018. Review and Comparative Assessment of Sequence-based Predictors of Protein-binding Residues, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 19(5): 821-837.

  11. Jian Zhang, Haiting Chai, Song Guo, Huaping Guo, and Yanling Li. 2018. High-Throughput Identification of Mammalian Secreted Proteins Using Species-Specific Scheme and Application to Human Proteome, Molecules, 23(6), 1448.

  12. Haiting Chai, and Jian Zhang*. 2018. Identification of Mammalian Enzymatic Proteins Based on Sequence-derived Features and Species-specific Scheme, IEEE Access, 6(1): 8452-8458.

  13. Jian Zhang, Haiting Chai, Guifu Yang, and Zhiqiang Ma, 2017. Prediction of bioluminescent proteins by using sequence-derived features and lineage-specific scheme, BMC bioinformatics, 18(1), 294.

  14. Jian Zhang, Haiting Chai, Bo Gao, Guifu Yang, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2016. HEMEsPred: Structure-based Ligand-specific Heme Binding Residues Prediction by Using Fast-adaptive Ensemble Learning Scheme, IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 15(1): 147-156.

  15. Jian Zhang, Bo Gao, Haiting Chai, Zhiqiang Ma, and Guifu Yang. 2016. Identification of DNA-binding proteins using multi-features fusion and binary firefly optimization algorithm, BMC bioinformatics, 17(1), 323.

  16. Haiting Chai, Jian Zhang, Guifu Yang, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2016. An evolution-based DNA- binding residues predictor by using dynamic query-driven learning scheme, Molecular BioSystems, 12(12), 3643-3650.

  17. Jian Zhang, Wenhan Chen, Pingping Sun, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2015. Prediction of protein solvent accessibility using PSO-SVR with multiple sequence-derived features and weighted sliding window scheme, BioData mining, 8(1), 3.

  18. Jian Zhang, Xiaowei Zhao, Pingping Sun, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2014. PSNO: Predicting Cysteine S-Nitrosylation Sites by Incorporating Various Sequence-Derived Features into the General Form of Chou’s PseAAC, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(7), 11204-11219.

  19. Jian Zhang, Pingping Sun, Xiaowei Zhao, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2014. PECM: Prediction of extracellular matrix proteins using the concept of Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 363, 412-418.

  20. Jian Zhang, Xiaowei Zhao, Pingping Sun, Bo Gao, and Zhiqiang Ma. 2014. Conformational B-Cell Epitopes Prediction from Sequences Using Cost-Sensitive Ensemble Classifiers and Spatial Clustering, BioMed Research International, 2014.

  21. Xiaowei Zhao, Jian Zhang, Qiao Ning, Pingping Sun, Zhiqiang Ma, and Minghao Yin. 2013. Identification of Protein Pupylation Sites Using Bi-Profile Bayes Feature Extraction and Ensemble Learning, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.





